Bolero Skincare Haul | Dollar Tree Deals

Bolero skincare you say? I thought that was a jacket? I kid, I kid.

You must admit that was kind of funny though… Alright. I’ll get serious! Bolero is a popular brand that you can find at your local Dollar Tree. They sell bath bombs, body oils, lotions, face wipes, and all that good stuff we love. The reason why I am sharing these items today are because they recently dropped their line of fall scents. This collection consisted of a nice amount of products, but I was only able to get my hands on the body oils and face wipes.

The scents released were Vanilla Cream and Apple & Cinnamon. Since this was my first time trying these items from Bolero I decided to get one item of each scent except for the face wipes in Apple & Cinnamon – it wasn’t my cup of tea.

Now I will give you guys the tea shortly…


The Vanilla Cream products smell good, but the Apple & Cinnamon smells exactly like the potpourri my mother had in our bathroom when I was younger. I don’t mind the scent, but it is not something I will use frequently. Because the scent of the oils does not last for a long time they are good as a base for perfumes, that do not last as long, and for mixing with pigments as a shimmer oil. The pumps on the bottles are perfect for a quick mess-free application which makes that shimmer oil idea even better. If you are not interested in the oils for that purpose, then skip it. Also, the packaging comes without labels, so you would not be able to easily tell the difference between the two.

I have not opened the face wipes yet as I am currently using the Sugar Frosting wipes from simple pleasures. To read about those then click here.

Stay tuned for a post on how I create my own shimmer oils. You don’t want to miss this!




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